
Matic motorcycle Pioneer the First

I realize? kalo motor-motor matic yang sekarang beredar di indonesia What matic motor that is now circulating in indonesian
berawal dari vespa corsa in. started from the corsa in vespa. Selagi musim small frame belum berganti, ada baiknya kita bahas sedikit tentang jenis Vespa yang satu ini. While small in the frame has not changed, that we have a little Vespa on the type of this one. Vespa Corsa, salah satu jenis vespa dan sepeda motor bertransmisi otomatis pertama di Indonesia. Vespa Corsa, a kind of vespa motorcycle and auto bertransmisi in Indonesia.

So I strongly disagree with the Yamaha MIO slogannya "Automatic ahead", which is entitled to use the slogan that is the Vespa Corsa in production in 1991 and stopped in 2006. Entah yang bikin slogan bego atau memang tidak tahu Corsa adalah motor matic pertama di Indonesia Somehow make the idiotic slogan or do not know the Corsa motor matic is the first in Indonesia
Bahkan kalo di Italiano, Vespa matic udah dari tahun 1983/1984, zamannya Vespa PK 125. I even in Italian, Vespa matic is from the year 1983/1984, zamannya Vespa PK 125. Jika dibandingkan antara Corsa dengan PK 125 ada banyak kemiripan di banyak hal, seperti bentuk body, kapasitas mesin dan transmisi. If compared between the Corsa with the PK 125 is a lot of similarity in many things, such as the form of body, engine and transmission capacity. Bisa dibilang Corsa mengadaptasi atau turunan dari PK 125. Can adapt or spelled Corsa derived from PK 125.

Seiring dengan makin membanjirnya skuter matic di Indonesia, Vespa Corsa tidak mau ketinggalan. Along with the flooding in Indonesia, matic scooter, Vespa Corsa does not want to lag. Corsa tetap memiliki penggemar yang fanatik. Corsa still have a rabid fan. Apalagi dengan mewabahnya demam “small frame” akhir-akhir ini, ikut mengibarkan bendera Corsa ditengah hingar bingar skuter matic kompetiror. Moreover, with mewabahnya fever "small frame" of late, took the flag flap in the noisy scene Corsa scooter matic kompetiror. Keunggulan Corsa diantara skuter matic yang lain adalah Corsa gak di kredit, jadi yang beli hanya orang-orang kaya saja Corsa excellence among scooter matic that was in the Corsa is a credit, so you buy only the rich are
by:Garasi EkoBanana

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